Climate Change and World Food Production Security
There any significant change in climate on a global scale should impact local agriculture and thereby affect the world's food supply. Considerable study has gone into the questions of how farming might be affected in different regions, and by how much; and whether the net result may be harmful or beneficial. Overall, climate change, including global warming and increased climate variability, could result in a variety of impacts on agriculture. Some of these effects are biophysical, some are ecological, and some are economic.
Food security has been defined as "access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life" (World Bank, 1986). The World Food Summit, convened in 1996 and in 2002 by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, highlighted the basic right of all people to an adequate diet and need for concerted action among all countries to achieve this goal in a sustainable manner. How vulnerable households, regions and countries are to climate change's impacts on agriculture will depend on their access to land, water, and government support and action.
Since the late 1950s, global agricultural output has increased at rates and to levels that are unprecedented in human history. Much of the productivity increase is attributed to the breeding of high-yielding crop varieties, intensive use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, expansion of irrigation, and capital-intensive farm management.
In the 1970s, the euphoria surrounding the 'Green Revolution' was questioned in the wake of the energy crisis and growing awareness of long-term environmental consequences. Concern over soil erosion, groundwater contamination, soil compaction and decline of natural soil fertility, and destruction of traditional social systems, led to a reappraisal of what were then considered to be the most advanced agricultural production techniques. Since then, agricultural research has expanded its scope to include sustainable and resource-efficient cropping systems and farm management practices.
Since the beginning of the 1980s yet another threat to agriculture has attracted much attention. Many climatologists predict significant global warming in the coming decades due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide and other trace gases. As a consequence, major changes in hydrological regimes have also been forecast to occur. The magnitude and geographical distribution of such climate-induced changes may affect our ability to expand food production as required to feed a population of more than 10 000 million people projected for the middle of the next century. Climate change could have far-reaching effects on patterns of trade among nations, development, and food security.
Beyond what is known about greenhouse gases and the climate system, however, lie great uncertainties: How much warming will occur, at what rate, and according to what geographical and seasonal pattern? What secondary processes will the warming trend induce, and what might be the physical and biological impacts of such processes? Will some areas benefit while other areas suffer, and who might the winners and losers be? And, if such damages are unavoidable, what can be done to adapt or modify our systems so as to minimize or overcome them? These are important and complex questions, and we have only begun to understand them and to develop methods for their analysis.
Scenarios of climate change were developed in order to estimate their effects on crop yields and food trade. A climate change scenario is defined as a physically consistent set of changes in meteorological variables, based on generally accepted projections of CO2 (and other trace gases) levels. The range of scenarios analysed is intended to capture the range of possible effects and to set limits on the associated uncertainty.
The effects on crop yields in mid- and high-latitude regions appear to be positive or less adverse than those in low-latitude regions, provided the potentially beneficial direct physiological effects of CO2 on crop growth can be fully realized. From a development perspective, the most serious concern relates to the apparent difference in incremental yield impacts between developed and developing countries. The scenario results suggest that if climatic change were to retard economic development beyond the direct effects on agriculture in the poorer regions, especially in Africa, then overall impacts could be sizeable.
In all climate change scenarios, relative productivity of agriculture changes in favour of developed countries, with implications on resource allocation. Economic feedback mechanisms are likely to emphasize and accentuate the uneven distribution of climate change impacts across the world, resulting in net gains for developed countries.
The worst situation arises from a scenario of severe climate change, low economic growth, continuing large population increases, and little farm-level adaptation. In order to minimize possible adverse consequences, like production losses, food price increases, environmental stresses, and an increase in the number of people at risk of hunger, the way forward is to encourage the agricultural sector to continue to develop crop breeding and management programmes for heat and drought conditions, in combination with measures taken to preserve the environment, to use resources more efficiently, and to slow the growth of the human population of the world. The latter step would also be consistent with efforts to slow emissions of greenhouse gases, and thus the rate and eventual magnitude of global climate change.
Countries in the temperate zone may reap some benefits from climate change, many countries in the tropical and subtropical zones appear to be more vulnerable. Particular hazards are the possibly increased flooding of low-lying areas, the increased frequency and severity of droughts in semi-arid areas, and potential decreases in attainable crop yields. It happens that the latter countries tend to be the poorest and the least able to make the necessary economic adjustments. Much of the expected change in global climate is due to the past and present activities of the industrial countries; so it is their responsibility to commit themselves to, and to play an active role in, a comprehensive international effort to prepare for the likely consequences.
Climate change impact potentially significant for future agricultural production is soil organic matter loss due to soil warming. Considering the vulnerability of agricultural production to the occurrence of climate extremes, research should be directed to determine what are the heat-tolerance limits of currently grown and of alternative crops and varieties. At what threshold values of air or soil temperature do severe problems begin? What agronomic methods are the best to moderate the thermal regime affecting crop growth?
Modification of agronomic practices, adoption of crops known to be heat-resistant and drought-resistant, increased efficiency of irrigation and water conservation, and improved pest management. Such adjustments are worthy of being implemented in any case, be it with or without climatic change.
Food security has been defined as "access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life" (World Bank, 1986). The World Food Summit, convened in 1996 and in 2002 by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, highlighted the basic right of all people to an adequate diet and need for concerted action among all countries to achieve this goal in a sustainable manner. How vulnerable households, regions and countries are to climate change's impacts on agriculture will depend on their access to land, water, and government support and action.
Since the late 1950s, global agricultural output has increased at rates and to levels that are unprecedented in human history. Much of the productivity increase is attributed to the breeding of high-yielding crop varieties, intensive use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, expansion of irrigation, and capital-intensive farm management.
In the 1970s, the euphoria surrounding the 'Green Revolution' was questioned in the wake of the energy crisis and growing awareness of long-term environmental consequences. Concern over soil erosion, groundwater contamination, soil compaction and decline of natural soil fertility, and destruction of traditional social systems, led to a reappraisal of what were then considered to be the most advanced agricultural production techniques. Since then, agricultural research has expanded its scope to include sustainable and resource-efficient cropping systems and farm management practices.
Since the beginning of the 1980s yet another threat to agriculture has attracted much attention. Many climatologists predict significant global warming in the coming decades due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide and other trace gases. As a consequence, major changes in hydrological regimes have also been forecast to occur. The magnitude and geographical distribution of such climate-induced changes may affect our ability to expand food production as required to feed a population of more than 10 000 million people projected for the middle of the next century. Climate change could have far-reaching effects on patterns of trade among nations, development, and food security.
Beyond what is known about greenhouse gases and the climate system, however, lie great uncertainties: How much warming will occur, at what rate, and according to what geographical and seasonal pattern? What secondary processes will the warming trend induce, and what might be the physical and biological impacts of such processes? Will some areas benefit while other areas suffer, and who might the winners and losers be? And, if such damages are unavoidable, what can be done to adapt or modify our systems so as to minimize or overcome them? These are important and complex questions, and we have only begun to understand them and to develop methods for their analysis.
Scenarios of climate change were developed in order to estimate their effects on crop yields and food trade. A climate change scenario is defined as a physically consistent set of changes in meteorological variables, based on generally accepted projections of CO2 (and other trace gases) levels. The range of scenarios analysed is intended to capture the range of possible effects and to set limits on the associated uncertainty.
The effects on crop yields in mid- and high-latitude regions appear to be positive or less adverse than those in low-latitude regions, provided the potentially beneficial direct physiological effects of CO2 on crop growth can be fully realized. From a development perspective, the most serious concern relates to the apparent difference in incremental yield impacts between developed and developing countries. The scenario results suggest that if climatic change were to retard economic development beyond the direct effects on agriculture in the poorer regions, especially in Africa, then overall impacts could be sizeable.
In all climate change scenarios, relative productivity of agriculture changes in favour of developed countries, with implications on resource allocation. Economic feedback mechanisms are likely to emphasize and accentuate the uneven distribution of climate change impacts across the world, resulting in net gains for developed countries.
The worst situation arises from a scenario of severe climate change, low economic growth, continuing large population increases, and little farm-level adaptation. In order to minimize possible adverse consequences, like production losses, food price increases, environmental stresses, and an increase in the number of people at risk of hunger, the way forward is to encourage the agricultural sector to continue to develop crop breeding and management programmes for heat and drought conditions, in combination with measures taken to preserve the environment, to use resources more efficiently, and to slow the growth of the human population of the world. The latter step would also be consistent with efforts to slow emissions of greenhouse gases, and thus the rate and eventual magnitude of global climate change.
Countries in the temperate zone may reap some benefits from climate change, many countries in the tropical and subtropical zones appear to be more vulnerable. Particular hazards are the possibly increased flooding of low-lying areas, the increased frequency and severity of droughts in semi-arid areas, and potential decreases in attainable crop yields. It happens that the latter countries tend to be the poorest and the least able to make the necessary economic adjustments. Much of the expected change in global climate is due to the past and present activities of the industrial countries; so it is their responsibility to commit themselves to, and to play an active role in, a comprehensive international effort to prepare for the likely consequences.
Climate change impact potentially significant for future agricultural production is soil organic matter loss due to soil warming. Considering the vulnerability of agricultural production to the occurrence of climate extremes, research should be directed to determine what are the heat-tolerance limits of currently grown and of alternative crops and varieties. At what threshold values of air or soil temperature do severe problems begin? What agronomic methods are the best to moderate the thermal regime affecting crop growth?
Modification of agronomic practices, adoption of crops known to be heat-resistant and drought-resistant, increased efficiency of irrigation and water conservation, and improved pest management. Such adjustments are worthy of being implemented in any case, be it with or without climatic change.
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